Easy Pizza Dough Pretzel Bites

⏱️ Prep Time: 25 minutes β€’ 🍳 Cook Time: 15 minutes

Ready to add a twist of fun to your Super Bowl spread? These Easy Pizza Dough Pretzel Bites are sure to be a hit!

Picture this: Your guests cheering not just for the game but also for these adorable and delicious pretzel bites you've just served! These bites, crafted from pizza dough and given a special touch with a simple 'X' cut into each, are the perfect blend of soft, chewy, and delightfully salty. They're easy to make, fun to eat, and even more fun to show off. Get ready for these little delights to disappear faster than a quarterback's pass!


🍽️ Servings: 6 β€’ πŸ”₯ Calories/Serving: 150

  • 1 lb store-bought pizza dough

  • 1/4 cup baking soda

  • 1 large egg, beaten

  • Coarse salt for sprinkling

  • Optional: Cheese sauce or mustard for dipping


Step 1

Preheat your oven to 425Β°F (220Β°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Step 2

Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add the baking soda.

Step 3

On a lightly floured surface, divide the pizza dough into small, equal-sized pieces (about 1 inch each).

Step 4

Roll each piece into a ball and use a sharp knife to gently cut an 'X' on the top of each ball. Be careful not to cut too deeply.

Step 5

Boil the dough pieces in the water for about 30 seconds each, removing them with a slotted spoon and placing them on the prepared baking sheet.

Step 6

Brush each pretzel bite with the beaten egg and sprinkle with coarse salt.

Step 7

Bake in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes, or until they turn a lovely golden brown.

Step 8

Serve warm with your choice of cheese sauce or mustard for dipping.

Make it your own!

  • Experiment with different designs on top, like a cross, a few parallel lines, or even a small football shape.

  • Mix in some shredded cheese or herbs into the pizza dough for added flavor.

  • For a sweet variation, skip the salt and brush with butter after baking, then roll in cinnamon sugar.

Try it with…

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Did you add a unique twist? Did your family enjoy it? Share your thoughts and any customizations you made in the comments below.

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